Thursday, August 20, 2009

14,495' High Day Hike

Last year I jumped in with a group of guys to Day hike to Half Dome.... Today we arrived in Lone Pine at the Comfort Inn to Climb Mt Whitney in a day. Couldn't have planned any better weather - not a cloud in the sky & no moon tonight. So we grabbed some dinner at the local Pizza joint - - 8 guys, 3 pizza, 4 pastas, 8 salades, 2 plates of garlic bread & only 2 pictures of beer. We were all too stuffed to eat one of those pizzas. 9PM back at the hotel, time to re-check all the items were hauling with us tomorrow morning and call the front desk for a 2:45 AM wake-up call. 2AM I awake and start streaching my legs in bed, trying not to wake my 2 other roommates. Sleep is no longer on my mind.... I start chanting affirmations - This is going to be a great hike - I'm going to feel great - I'm going to make it to the top. 3AM, a quick breakfast & out the door. We arrive at Whitney Portal at 3:45AM, gather our packs and head off 15 minutes later. The portal is at 8,361', it was so quite, I start to think... is anyone else starting this early? ... or are we just crazy? Headlamps on, we start to pass a couple small groups of hikers making their way up the trail. By sunrise we've reached the tree line, and what was a pack of 8, now just 2 of us, Jeff & I were at the tail end. I started to think, are these guys going to wait for us... well maybe at the top. Feeling pretty strong, I say to Jeff, "I'm going to see if I can catch up" and head off. 15 minutes later I put on the headphones & plugin the iPhone to listen to some motivational music - WOW did that put a spring in my step - powering up thru the camp site and on my way to the switch backs, I felt so good. I see Jerry, about 4 levels above me. Caught up & pushed past towards the head of our pack. My breathing felt regular & thinking "I must be past 12,000 ft now, how can I be feeling this good?" We'll that didn't last too long. At 13,500 ft, there was a sign, the trail heads down 500 ft and then back up. Maybe it was now the Altitude or could have something to do with 5+ hours of hiking. I slowed to a one foot in front of the other pace. The other 3, I was following, seamed to be moving a lot faster and I just trugged on my way to the top, arriving at 10:10AM.
We waiting at the top for the rest of our crew to trickle in... all accounted for, we rolled out after about an hour break. Downhill started out fine... but by the 10th hour of hiking I kinda wished it was over. With 5-6 more miles to go we kept on. Finally arrived at the Burger shack, Whitney Portal, at 4:30 PM. 12 -1/2 hours of hiking I was toasted. Ready for a Beer & Fries that were waiting at the table. We waited 30-40 minutes more for the rest of our crew and headed down the hill, back to the Comfort Inn. Jumped into the pool to watch the sun go down behind our acomplishment. Dinner at the local Mex place & bed by 9:30 PM. Gotta be up at 5AM to head back home.