Monday, April 27, 2009

Indian Princess - Catalina Pirate Skit

7:30PM Saturday Pirate skit

At the end of bead trading ... SCARY MUSIC the Pirates Gang come and kidnap Med and Chief . ARRR ! We heard thar be a whole lot of treasure being found today on this island (did you say Treasure .... ARRRR Treasure) ... It’s all mine ye Swabbies! so hand it over! If yee dont give us this Booty we’ll send yar leaders to Davy Jones’ Locker ... we wa nt our treasure now ! (did you say Treasure .... ARRRR Treasure) we may consider letting them go when you tell us. But dont let me loose ME temper! The Pirate Crew then tie Med & Chief together - Chief Girls run and hide - A small group of 3-4 girls carry what looks like a very heavy treasure Chest - One of our Pirate grab it and the girls flee - this pirate holds it up so I can inspect it’s contents. Avast pointing at the croud ARRRGH ye Lass - ye have been wize to bring what is rightfully mine ... What is this ? its’ .. its’ filled with candy - where’s me GOLD ? ARRGH Your Chief mentioned there were other leaders here tonight that might know where me Treasure is! (did you say Treasure .... ARRRR Treasure) OK Who are these other leaders - stand now before I loose my patience? Me Hartties ... Bring these Scurvy dogs forward... we have our ways to make Landlubbers like yee talk Pirate Crew gather up the dads standing and line them up on stage - binding their hand behind their back. All the tribal chiefs tell them “there is no treasurer - we never saw any” but they don’t listen and they make them eat these groolly pirate things Whats on thar menu tonight Black Rayven? FEAR FACTOR MUSIC Day Old Fish Bate / Stinky Sock Stew / Belly of a Whale 4 Apache pirate girls are the hostess - bringing out the treats & help to feed the prisoners while the gross food is being eaten ... the chief girls run into the crowd .. and ask for the nation help “when the chief girls raise their arms yell COYOTE POWER 3 times - pass it on to your neighbor” after the last food is eaten - and the Chiefs are all doubled over on the ground. The chiefs girls say with hands on their hips “You are messing with trouble and you had better give our dads back or else ... you might get burned” on this cue Firestarter light the nation fire .... The pirates laugh and say what can little girls do to us - we have these swords & muscles of steel - all pirates show their arms and act like these little girls can do nothing The Chief girls all say

“ we know where the REAL treasure is, come follow us ” and lead the pirates to the left .... Then the girls raise their arms ... and the whole nation shouts ”COYOTE POWER” ”COYOTE POWER” ”COYOTE POWER”and the THUNDER MUSIC is heard & felt .... all of the pirates shake and look around ... then run away dropping their swords except for Captain Grey Beard. Shiver me timbers! The girls run up and capture CGB with the 3 swords dropped by the fleeing pirates and tell CGB Release our dads or suffer your fateHa - what could little lasses like ye do with plastic swords - Yo-Ho-Ho - yee wants me to release your sharkbait .... a pie comes in from the front/right and CGB ducks and it sails over his head - Laughing loudly - you missed me, missed me - Naha Naha - SPLAT Vanessa comes from the left and nails CGB square in the face. CANON FIREING MUSIC during the Naha Naha the other girls have loaded up with more pies and release their fury on CGB Enough ! Enough ! I surrender - yee can have yours fathers back.... I’ll take yee to where Med and Chief are ... no more tricks. Med and Chief come back with the girls Then Med and Chief

ask who were the gool eaters that tried to save them were ? And let the audience pick the winner.

LEGEND: Green - All Apache Dads Say / Pink - Chief Girls / Sound Warrior / Black - Me Words Spoken

STARRING: Captain Grey Beard: Tom Andre / Long John Silver Leg: John Silverwood / Cork in the Ocean: Bay Ponder / Black Raven: Ray Adams / Apache Princess Pirates:

EQUIPMENT LIST: Pirate Hats / Scarves / Costumes / Swords / Rope / Treasure Chest / Candy / Paper Plates / Fear Food - Day old Fish Bait "Oysters & Sardines", Belly of the Whale "Cherry Jello", Stinky Sock Soup "Apple Juice & Old Socks with Dry Ice / Whip Cream / Cups